Unfortunately there is a very big misconception on the idea of women shouldn’t lift or train like men, the fear is that they will build massive size muscle and lose their feminine like body’s.
The only reason that I have seen that women shouldn’t train like men is because a very big part of the male population that hit the gym do not train like men should train. The average joe does tones of bicep curls and chest presses ……. This is not the most beneficial for a symmetric physique?
They also use a lot of machines because there training is (inspired) in bodybuilding, Men overdevelop there upper body (chest biceps triceps shoulders and traps) and leave there posterior chain (lower back, gluts, and hamstrings) Definitely not the type of training a woman wants to fallow.
This big misconception has been strongly supported by the fitness industry and the gym creating specific products and gym activities for women even though it prevents a big part of the women population to achieve their fitness goals. Women have been lead to the idea that with aerobics, pilates yoga, spinning and a minimum of weight lifting with a really low weight load, they can get the job done. The majority of gym memberships are women and majority if not all the classis are created to attract them but they do very little to address their actual goals.
Women cannot build muscle mass as fast as men because they do not have high levels of testosterone in there body’s and makes it impossible for them to build muscle in the same way as men and there are studies that show that women can significantly increase there strength through weight training but they are not able to increase their size and density to the degree that men can.

So in order that women and men have a great workout program they should have all of these exercises or variations in there workout program.
-Squats (body weight, dumbbells barbells, do not use a smith machine unless u have no other option)
-bench press/barbell press
- rows (bodyweight, dumbbell, barbell, cable)
-overhead presses
-farmers walk/farmers carry
-plank and other core stabilizing exercises
These exercises are the foundation of any training program that is created to have a better and healthy body in much less time than any machine. So stay off the machines because squatting, deadlifting and doing lunges will do much more for you than leg extension/curls and inner/outer thigh machines will ever do.
So train like and athlete.
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